
明尼苏达州华侨华人社团联合会( 简称“明州华联会” )。英文名称是“Alliance of Minnesota Chinese Organizations”(缩写为 AMCO)。AMCO是在美国注册的501 c3 非赢利组织。本会旨在加强和促进明尼苏达州华侨华人社团之间的联系;推动中美民间交往,增进相互了解;促进中美在教育、经济、文化艺术等各领域的交流与合作;鼓励华侨华人积极融入当地社会;传承并弘扬中华文化,组织各类文化联谊活动;维护华侨华人合法权益,团结互助,共同发展。

Alliance of Minnesota Chinese Organizations (AMCO) is a 501 c3 non-profit organization registered in the United States. The mission of this association is to strengthen and promote the connections among overseas Chinese communities in Minnesota; to promote Sino-US non-governmental   exchanges and to enhance mutual understanding; to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in education, economy, culture and art; and to encourage overseas Chinese to actively integrate into the local society; to inherit and promote Chinese culture, organize various cultural networking activities; to protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese, unite and help each other, and develop together.

Office Address:  1399 N Eustis Street, St. Paul, MN 55108

Mailing address4848 Oxford Street N, St. Paul, MN55126

Email ContactAMCO1866@gmail.com

Web: www.MNChineseLife.com/AMCO/